When you are facing robbery charges, your entire future is at stake. Without an effective defense, you could find yourself paying staggering fines or even spending time in jail. Let me help you protect yourself with an aggressive defense.
Though the laws may seem straightforward, the reality is that every criminal case is different. The circumstances behind your robbery charges do matter, and we will work closely with you to evaluate these circumstances to ensure your defense properly illuminates your side of the situation.
When you are facing criminal charges it is easy to feel overlooked and mistreated. Don't assume that this is the way it always works. Let me ensure that your rights are properly protected throughout the process.
Representing clients in Bellevue, Papillion, Ralston, Millard, Elkhorn, and Gretna, and throughout Sarpy and Douglas County and surrounding areas. Don't wait to get the assistance you need. Call us to schedule a time to discuss your situation so we can begin building an aggressive defense.
Put your confidence in over 20 years of aggressive trial experience.
Trust us to handle your federal or state
robbery charges.
Representing clients in Bellevue, Papillion, Ralston, Millard, Elkhorn, and Gretna, and throughout Sarpy and Douglas County and surrounding areas.